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What's in a Name?

Picking a name for your character is hard!  

For my Tauren, I  had originally tried the "usual" cow names like Bessie, Bertha, Mooey.  Thank God some idiot already had those names taken.    After a few hundred (well, it seemed like that anyway) name attempts, I ended up with the name Calliea (now Callieaa).  

There's one guy out there that named his characters Lamp and Chair.   That was some writer's block of sorts happening right there.

Some names I see in game are very creative.   Some are laugh out loud funny.    Then there are some names that I just can't understand why, WHY would you name your character that?   Like Diarrhea.   Just the thought of hearing that name called out in Vent, or Discord, or Mumble, etc. gives me the shudders.    Must be that 15 year old boy sense of humor thing.

My alts' names were easier:  Jynxee, Zallie, Echelone.  I really didn't put too much thought into them and can't remember how or why I named them.  Basically, I could have looked around the house and named them paperplate, china, teapot for all I cared, since I rarely play them anyway.  

But I wonder how other people come up with their character names.
