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Showing posts from June 14, 2017

Pet Peeves

I have a few pet peeves.  This one is regarding dumb/stupid terms/bad phrases. This particular post was brought on when I had to order business cards for a new Director at work; an IoT Director. Now picture this printed on his business cards. Mr. John Smith Director of the Internet of Things   Never.Gonna.Happen.  The acronym will always be used.  Unless you're me.  Ordering business cards and this is your title.     I mean really?   "the Internet of Things ?"  Things?!   Here are some synonyms for the word "thing".     stuff star baggage star chattels star clothes star conditions star duds star effects star gear star goods star possessions None of these words really fit.  Why didn't he (Kevin Ashton) think this phrase through?   Do a little research maybe.   At the very least check some synonyms to see if the word worked, or if there was a better word to use.   These words listed above, were around in 1999 when he co