So um yea. I found out last year that I have stage 4 cancer. This is like soloing a raid boss in Legion. I am not amused. Cancer is a funny thing. Half the time you won't even know you have it until you're in big trouble. Kinda like accidentally pulling the boss before the raid is ready. Err, not that I've ever done that before, you know. But I pulled this raid boss. It was August 2015 and I felt fine. I decided to put the house on the market. (Coming home from work and seeing water pour out of the garage from a busted hot water heater was the last straw). Floods will make you do funny things. I called the plumber and then called a real estate agent and put the house on the market. To get it show ready, I came home from work every day and cleaned out closets, crawled around on the floor and painted baseboards, painted ceilings, replaced bathroom fans that weren't working, cleaned out the garage, replaced...
Callieaa's adventures in Azeroth and the new outland called CancerLand. I've played World of Warcraft since vanilla and still can't PvP my way out of a paper bag. My PvE ain't that great either :/ I'm also an achievement, pet and mount whore, Executive Assistant and Oh, and I have cancer. Stage 4. Yea ... about that... Pft! Fighting bosses and fighting cancer 1 lighting bolt at a time⚡️