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Showing posts from July 13, 2017

Where's Waldo (in his Orthopedic Socks and Sandals)?

Is there subtle Ageism at Tech companies? I've always wanted to work in the gaming industry.   Unfortunately when the gaming companies first formed, most were on the west coast and since I was a Mom and lived on the east coast, transferring across the country wasn't much of an option.    So I dreamed, and wished, and "le sighed" a lot. Now when I check out my Twitter, LinkedIn, or other social media platforms, I notice a depressing sight.   In all the pictures of the companies with shots of their people (usually showing off fun events, big announcements, new interns, etc.), there is a decided lack of older people in the pictures. It's like playing "Where's Waldo", only more difficult.   BTW, Waldo cannot be one of the founding members, or an owner of the company.   That doesn't count. I realize the younger generations may be thought of as more tech savvy, or perhaps more cutting edge in their thinking, but older generations who have p...