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PvP huh, What?!

If I kill you in Arenas or World PvP, then you really suck.  Either that or I have a raid group somehow hiding in the background and killing you.

I.Just.Can't.PvP.   No really, I can't.   I've tried.   Goodness knows, I've tried.  I seem to have a sign over me that says, "EASY KILL THIS WAY"

My sons (Wuffles the rogue and Graycen the Priest) have this bright idea of trying to teach me to arena PvP for the 200th time.    And, they want to teach me while streaming it.   Oh joy.

This isn't my first rodeo.  Oh no.   This cow has tried arena's before that ended veeery badly.   My partners usually quit, or maybe they just have a stroke and have to call 911; I'm never quite sure.   I thought I heard someones' head explode once, but that could have been them pounding the keyboard into dust right before they went offline, and then their head exploded.   Shrug.... vent quality sometimes isn't that clear.

Achievements are the ONLY reason I can be talked into playing arenas, ever.  But the achievements are out there; sitting there waiting.  They're mooing at me, taunting me with my terribleness, mocking me.  MOCKING me.  I can hear their voices taunting, "C'mon Callieaa, you've played an ele shaman since vanilla.  You can do this."     FYI, they lie.  

Battlegrounds are a bit better, especially with a pocket priest and a rogue to run interference on anyone targeting me, and other players running around to take the heat while I sneak in close, closer, closer, ok too close back up a bit...  and then BAM!   CL and EQ, maybe a little Ascendance and LvB thrown in there, lightning totem too and you're dead.   You're all dead.    Muaaaah.   Yea, I throw everything at you including the kitchen sink, but it works.   Well, that is if you give me 2 minutes to cast all this shit and have my healer healing me.    Which by the way, 2 minutes in a BG is like 20 years in real time and it's aging me quickly.

But also in battlegrounds, I find that after I die, I get separated from my healer who has gone to heal the flag carrier or someone more important than his MOM, and the rogue usually goes off to find somebody to stabitty, stab, stab cause he's a rogue and that's what they do, and I'm left to my own devices once again.    Hey, once you throw a few totems and cast a CL or two, it's like a huge sign points to you and any opposing faction within 5 miles knows where you are and comes running to kill you.    Subtle we are not (that's a rogue).

So, I'm going to give PvP another try.   Oh yea, let's go make some memories and a few home movies that they can show my grand kids in a few years.  "Oh look!  Here's MIMI dying again.  Isn't she a funny cow."    

Mooo me.
