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Yea, I'm Bad, I'm Bad ......

I'm a Shaman.  An Ele Shaman to be precise.   To be even more precise, I'm a baaad Ele Shaman that resides on Shattered Hand.

I'm not not baaad in the Michael Jackson kinda way, but more like baaad in the, "Callieaa's dead again" kinda way.  

What can I say?  I'm just not your average WoW demographic of the 20-30 year old guy that plays WoW and takes it so seriously.  


I'm the 50+ old lady that plays WoW and takes it seriously.

Yes folks, I'm your Momma, or maybe even your Grandma, on WoW.    I love it.

I am Callieaa the Easter cow.   Tremble in fear!
