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My sin: Button Pushing is my Downfall in Wow and Real Life

In WoW, the correct way to play is to key bind your spells/abilities to your keyboard.    After 12 years playing as a  clicker, I'm trying to do this.   I really am.   But, I suck at it!    I end up pushing buttons randomly in panic, to not being able to move with my mouse and therefore dying in the fire (a mortal sin in WoW).   My DPS suffers terribly.  So does my self esteem (in game) when I'm one of the, if not THE lowest DPS in the raid.    I don't want to raid much any more unless the guild is bringing some alts to the raids and therefore they are prepared to carry folks.   I can't take it (key binds) and I always revert back to the old way of clicking.  After 12 years+ playing, I am so conditioned to using my mouse to click spells, that I can't seem to break the habit.

Yes, buttons pushing is my downfall.     Even in real life.  Case in point, this:

It was in the beginning of my cancer diagnosis and after one of my first chemo treatments.   When we were done, my son Grayson (Greycen ingame) and I left the the office and went to the elevators.   I started pushing and poking the device on the right.   After a few moments of nothing happening, I started muttering softly and maybe cursing at the damn thing, I was tired and maybe a wee bit stressed already.    I do remember saying "this is the STUPIDEST" damn thing.

My son (Gray) looked at me and asked gently, "Mom, what are you doing?"  (He knew a woman on the edge when he saw one.)

"Trying to find the damn button to call the elevator!" I replied, exasperated.

He gently put his arm around my shoulders and said softly, "Mom, that's the hand sanitizer."

I don't think we stopped laughing until we got to the car.

Yea, button pushing, not my forte.
